Waylon Blasius, PE

Transportation Department Head


What makes you enjoy working at Banner? Banner provides avenues and support for taking on challenges, learning, and growing in all aspects of being an engineer. Banner provides opportunities to connect with clients and colleagues to provide a personal touch to the services we provide. Banner’s trade-off of flexibility for accountability continues to allow me to find the sweet spot of a work/life balance. Banner is a great company comprising great people.

What is the best piece of advice you've been given? “Your priorities aren’t everyone’s priorities, and everyone’s priorities don’t have to be yours.”

What inspires you most about your profession? The opportunity to be a partner in the effort to improve the quality of life of friends, family members, and community members by making visible and tangible improvements to infrastructure that we so heavily depend on every day. Learning from, growing with, and mentoring others who have a passion for contributing their best efforts for a collective common goal.

If you were a superhero..., what superpower would you have? Teleportation, the fastest way to get from Point A to Point B.