Kathryn Schmit, PE
Project Engineer
What do you find most rewarding about working with our clients? It is a gift to be able to work with people in the various communities we serve to help with designing facilities to treat their wastewater. I love working with the wastewater treatment plant operators and all the staff of our various clients to improve their community and facilities.
Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now? I loved chemistry and I loved math, so I majored in chemical engineering. After taking an environmental chemistry class, I decided to pursue civil engineering in order to work in the field of environmental engineering. I loved microbiology in graduate school and loved all my wastewater treatment classes, so I decided to work in the field of wastewater treatment plant design.
What’s the oldest thing you own? My grandma’s Bible.
If you could airdrop anything worth two million dollars or less, anywhere you want, what would you airdrop and where would you airdrop it? Food, water, and medical supplies in the world where it is most needed and where people who need it will be able to access it and use it for good.