Joe Munson, PE
Water Resources Department Head
Sioux Falls
What do you find most rewarding about working with our clients? The ability to work as a team with staff and clients to come up with solutions to issues that our clients are dealing with.
Who inspires you to be better? Family. Originally, when I was younger, it was my parents who inspired me to be better, and now it is my wife and children who inspire me to do things to the best of my ability and to set a good example.
What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years? Did the Minnesota Vikings finally win a Super Bowl??
If you were given one thousand acres of land that you didn’t need to pay taxes on but couldn’t sell, what would you do with it? Design and build a golf course. As an engineer, it has always been one goal as I started to potentially design a golf course, but I think the closest thing I have done or ever will do in my career is to design an irrigation intake for a golf course.