Joe Anderson, EI
Staff Engineer
What do you find most rewarding about working with our clients? Getting to see how our projects make their day-to-day tasks simpler and more efficient is very rewarding. Getting to be a part of South Dakota and Iowa's water distribution system makes me feel connected to the surrounding communities like I have never been before.
Where do you usually go when you have time off? When I get time off, I enjoy bird watching and fishing with my wife, Lilly. We head to local lakes and rivers to spot rare birds and catch big fish. It's the perfect way to relax and make great memories together.
What food do you crave most often? I crave medium-rare venison almost every day. The tender, juicy meat with just the right amount of pink is incredibly satisfying. Paired with roasted vegetables and a glass of whole milk, it's my go-to meal when I get to cook.
What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation? I could give a 40-minute presentation on developing a distance running training plan. Running has been a big part of my life, and I’ve picked up some great tips and tricks along the way. I love sharing what I've learned about optimizing performance in a way that's practical and enjoyable.