Hunter Hodges

GIS Specialist


What makes you enjoy working at Banner? The best parts about working at Banner are the welcoming work environment and the variety of projects that I have the opportunity to work on. Two days are rarely the same with the number of projects that we work on, which keeps things fresh.

What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? Move somewhere new when you're still young! I decided to move to South Dakota after living in the Mid-Atlantic region my whole life, and I haven't regretted it. Being willing to take yourself out of your comfort zone and move to a new environment opens up a lot of opportunities you may not have had before. You only live once, so exploring a new area you're not familiar with and meeting lots of new people along the way is a great way to keep life exciting.

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years? Have the Orioles finally won another World Series yet?

What was one of the most interesting/best concerts you’ve been to? The best concert I have been to, hands down, is seeing Key Glock at Red Rocks. Red Rocks is one of, if not the most iconic, music venues in the world, and Key Glock is one of my favorite artists. The core message of much of his music is to work hard and always give your all, which is the mindset I try to bring to Banner every day.