Deidre Beck, PE
Project Engineer
What makes you enjoy working at Banner? The best part of working at Banner is getting to see the positive impact of our work on the people and communities where we work. Whether it be a water tower, a manhole, or anything in between, at the end of a project, there is tangible evidence of the work we do: building better communities.
What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation? The benefits of mentors in the lives of youth! I am a board member for the Brookings County Youth Mentor Program and am super passionate about our program and its mission to promote mentoring for the youth in our community.
Where do you usually go when you have time off? When I have time off, I love to travel. Recently, I visited a friend in Costa Rica and got to see a wild sloth in a tree at the beach.
What was one of the most interesting/best concerts you’ve been to? Haters gonna hate (hate, hate, hate, hate) … but Taylor Swift’s Eras tour was incredible and super fun.